Bücher u.a.
Haeckel. E. (2008): Gott-Natur (Theophysis). Kommentierter Nachdruck und Reprint von 1914, eingeleitet von Olaf Breidbach & Uwe Hoßfeld, zgl. Bd. 4 der Reihe „Wissenschaftskultur um 1900“, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 107 S.
Zeitschriftenartikel u.a.
Hoßfeld, U. (2005): „Etica monistica“ in Heinrich Schmidt. In: J. Frigo & O. Breidbach [eds.]: Scienza e Filosofia nel Positivismo Italiano e Tedesco, Padova: Il Poligrafo, S. 167-185 (in italienisch).
Levit, G. S.; M. Simunek & U. Hoßfeld (2008): Psychoontogeny and Psychophylogeny: The Selectionist Turn of Bernhard Rensch (1900-1990) through the Prism of Panpsychistic Identism. Theory in Biosciences 127 (4): 297-322.
Levit, G. & U. Hoßfeld (2010): Поворот Бернхарда Ренша (1900-1990) к селекционизму через призму его философии панпсихизма (The Selectionist Turn of Bernhard Rensch (1900-1990) through the Prism of Panpsychistic Identism). In: Kolchinsky, E.I. & A. A. Fedotova [eds.]: Charles Darwin and Modern Biology, Proceedings of the International scientific conference “Charles Darwin and modern biology” (September 21-23, 2009), Saint Petersburg: Nestor-Historia, S. 674-683.
Stewart, I. G., U. Hoßfeld & G. S. Levit (2019): Haeckelian ‘monist ethics’: The case of Heinrich Schmidt’s Harmonie (1931). Theory in Biosciences 138 (1): 189-202.
Levit, G. S.; U. Hoßfeld & A. A. Lvov (2020): Shaping German Evolutionary Biology: A Case Study of the Metaparadigm Hypothesis. In: Философия истории философии (Filosofia istorii filosofii); hg. von S. I. Dudnik et al., St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Press, S. 241-257.
Levit, G. S. & U. Hoßfeld (2020): The German evolutionists and philosopher, Theodor Ziehen, (1862-1950). Vestnik of the St. Petersburg State University: Philosophy and Conflict Studies. V. 36. Issue 2, pp. 240-253.
Levit G. S., Hoßfeld U., Junker T. (2020): ТЕОРИИ ЭВОЛЮЦИИ И ИХ ИСТОРИЯ В ПЕРСПЕКТИВЕ ФИЛОСОФИИ НАУКИ (THEORIES OF EVOLUTION AND THEIR HISTORY FROM THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE PERSPECTIVE). In: И. Д. Осипов, С. Н. Погодин / I. D. Osipov, S. N. Pogodin (eds.): Философия науки: история и современность. Коллективная монография / СПб.: Изд-во Политехн. ун-та, S. 294-328.
Levit, G. S. & U. Hoßfeld (2021): When Panpsychism met monism: Why did the philosopher Theodor Ziehen become a crucial figure for the evolutionary biologist Bernhard Rensch? In: Delisle, R. (ed.): Natural Selection: Revisiting its Explanatory Role in Evolutionary Biology. Heidelberg, Springer, S. 105-133.